Black Velvet Band Traditional G G C D7 G G Em Am D7 G G C D7 G G Em Am D7 G As I went walk-ing down Broad-way, not in-tend-ing to stray ve-ry far I met with a fro-lick-some dam - sel a-ply-in’ her trade in a bar. A watch she took from a cus-tom-er and slipped it right in-to my hand On the ve-ry first day that I met her, bad luck from the Black Vel-vet Band. CHORUS: G C G G Em Am D7 G Her eyes they shone like diamonds, you’d think she was queen of the land With her hair thrown ov-er her should - er, tied up with a Black Vel-vet Band. In a neat lit-tle town they call Tra-lee, an ap-prent-ice to trade I was bound, With plen-ty of bright a – muse-ment for watch-in’ the days go a-round. Till mis – fortune and troub-le o’er came me that caused me to stray from my land, Far A – way from my friends and re-la - tions to fol-low her Black Vel-vet Band CHORUS: Be-fore the judge and the jur-y, the both of us had to ap-pear. And a gen-tle-man swore to the ju - ry, the case a-gainst us was quite clear. For sev-en years tran-spor-ta-tion, you’re go-in’ to Van Diem-en’s land. Far a – way from your friends and re – la - tions to fol-low her Black Vel-vet Band. CHORUS: Now all of you brave young I-rish lads, a warn-ing take ye by me Be – ware of them pret-ty young dam-sels that are knock-in’ a-bout in Tra-lee. They’ll treat you to whis-key and port-er till you are not a-ble to stand And the ve-ry next thing that you know, me lads, you’ve land-ed in Van Diem-en’s Land. CHORUS: